
Cheat Sheets & Snippets


Usefull cheat sheets

Quickref me

A website with a cheat sheet about many popular programming languages



Cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools.


A collection of cool hidden and not so hidden features of Git and GitHub.

Oh My Cheat Sheet

Oh my cheat sheet is the best place to find hints of most popular programming and Markup languages you know.


i Hate Regex is a regex cheat sheet that also explains the commonly used expressions so that you understand it


Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet

A quick reference guide for regular expressions (regex), including symbols, ranges, grouping, assertions and some sample patterns to get you started.

Modest collection of cheatsheets



Learn by example: is a free guide to HTML. It features all elements and attributes.

The Complete HTML Cheat Sheet

The Complete HTML cheat sheet from hostinger

Html Head

A simple guide to HTML <head> elements



A reference for CSS goodness.

A free visual guide to CSS

CSS Shorthand Properties Cheat Sheet

Shorthand properties can be used to set several properties at once in a single declaration.

Bem cheatsheet

BEM is a popular naming convention for classes in HTML and CSS. And this is a visualised BEM cheatsheet

Flex Malven

A flexbox grid cheatsheet to reference when working with flexbox

Grid by Example

Everything you need to learn CSS Grid Layout

Grid Malven

A css grid cheatsheet to reference when creating a css grid

CSS Grid Cheat Sheet Illustrated

Detailed grid cheat sheet article. In this article, you can learn just about anything regarding grid.

Basic Javascript Cheat Sheet

Cheet sheat with illustrated instructions


Detailed Javascript Cheat Sheet

Detailed Javascript Cheat Sheet with examples

Quickref Javascript

A JavaScript cheat sheet with the most important concepts, functions, methods, and more. A complete quick reference for beginners.


Manage HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript

Javascript Questions

From basic to advanced: test how well you know JavaScript, refresh your knowledge a bit, or prepare for your coding interview!

A wide variety of snippet and article collections for CSS, JavaScript, Python and more.


Favorite JavaScript utilities in single line of code! tons of usefull snippets



Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript


Find the right git commands you need without digging through the web.


Git Cheat Sheet

Comprehensive Git Cheat Sheet.

Git Cheat Sheet

Use this handy git cheat sheet guide to enhance your workflow

Rust Cheat Sheet

Comprehensive Rust Language Cheat Sheet.

Python Cheat Sheet

Python Cheat Sheet Pdf

Comprehensive big python cheat sheet. Based on the book Automate the Boring Stuff with Python and many other sources.


Dart cheat sheet

Dart cheat sheet


Flutter and dart cheat sheet

SQL Basic Cheat Sheet

The most popular SQL statements are provided on the SQL cheat sheet for your reference. Additionally, this website has a thorough explanation for sql.

SQL Cheat Sheet

Useful cheat sheet that documents some of the more commonly used elements of SQL

SQL Cheat Sheet Image

Infographic Version of SQL Cheat Sheet (PNG)

PostgreSQL Cheat Sheet

The PostgreSQL cheat sheet provides you with the common PostgreSQL commands and statements that enable you to work with PostgreSQL quickly and effectively.


Generate meta tags and preview how your webpage will look on Google, Facebook, Twitter and more!

W3schools Markdown Cheatsheet

Markdown Cheatsheet & Tutorial provided by W3schools


Markdown Cheatsheet

This is intended as a quick reference and showcase.


List of basic bash commands and examples

Emmet Cheatsheet

Usefull emmet commands

Linux® Notes for Professional

Linux cheat sheet like book from

Free Programming Books

Collection of free programming books

Design Patterns For Humans

🎉 Ultra-simplified explanation to design patterns! 🎉